The following terms and conditions govern access to the Provider Retention and Information System Management ("PRISM")
and use of its data. To protect the anonymity of clinicians and administrators who have provided potentially sensitive
information through questionnaires and to protect the full value of PRISM’s data to collective member states, by clicking the
(Sign In) button and accessing the System I affirm that I am authorized by my organization to access the System and its data,
and I agree to be bound by the following terms of use.
- Persons accessing the PRISM System and using its data are to maintain appropriate safeguards to prevent disclosure of
these data to individuals and organizations not directly involved in carrying out the agreed upon uses of these data (see
below). Protecting these data and confidentiality of individual clinicians and administrators is to include:
taking reasonable precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the data, to include as a minimum storing
data on secure, password protected computer systems in locations accessible only to those whose roles require access
to the data, not permitting data storage on personal computers and mobile devices, and requiring data security
training of all staff who can access the data
taking reasonable precautions when transmitting these data electronically, ideally to include data encryption,
not revealing to individual practices survey information from identified or identifiable clinicians that is critical
of the practice or its staff or otherwise potentially sensitive or embarrassing to the clinician if known by their practice.
Similarly, critical or potentially sensitive or embarrassing information provided by practice administrators in their surveys
regarding a specific clinician will not be revealed to that clinician,
in any written reports and or other presentation formats, presenting data in a manner that assures confidentiality of
individual clinicians, administrators and practices, including by reporting data only for groups of not less than 7 survey
respondents or practices,
- to immediately report any nonagreed upon data disclosures to 3RNET.
- These data are to be used only for allowable purposes, which are program-wide assessment and reporting, understanding issues facing
Your State’s PRISM clinicians and practices, and to understand and assist individual clinicians as they participate in loan repayment
and similar programs within Your State. In general, analyses using PRISM data describing and presenting outcomes for Your State’s own
state loan repayment programs may be published with prior written approval by 3RNET.
Data related to the National Health Service Corps’ programs may not be published---these publications are most effectively conducted